Glorious Pascha!

Just taking a moment here to wish my readers a glorious Pascha (Orthodox Easter)!

I have not forgotten this blog, though it does seem to have taken a fall towards the bottom of the to do list! I’ve been exceptionally busy over at writing lots of posts and really trying to learn the ins and outs of blogging there. I have lots and am learning Pinterest and Instagram as well as maintaining my Facebook page for it as well. So lots going on. So this one will have to wait for a bit longer for a bigger update and to see where we will go with it.

But in the meantime, we’re still homeschooling, still enjoying nature, still cooking healthy food, and most of all- enjoying the last hours as we count down to Pascha!

To all of you- thanks for reading, thanks for exploring the new blog, and thanks for just being YOU.

Christ Is Risen! Glorify Him!

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Could The Leaves Exist?

Could the leaves exist without the tree, and could the tree exist without the earth, air, water and warmth? Likewise no soul can exist without God, without His Son, without the Holy Spirit. God is my being, my breath, my light, my strength, my drink, my food. He carries me as a mother carries her infant in her arms. More than this. Carrying me, my soul and body, He dwells in me, and is united to me.

St. John of Kronstadt

I came upon a little spiral bound gem stuffed into my closet in a box of resources for quotes that I have all stored together. It’s titled Spiritual Gems of St. John of Kronstadt Taken from his diary “My Life in Christ”. I have no idea where I got it years ago but the sticker on the back is from I’ll have to look it up later and see if they have other such sources than this as I really do love it. I like reading quotes from various Saints. I used to share them on my Facebook page for this blog. Maybe I should do that again.

I love this quote. I love the idea ( fact) that God is my breath. Christ lives inside us all. If only we would all, with every waking moment, recognize that in ourselves and others. If only we would recognize Christ in the soul of every person we encounter, every human we share our lives with.

None of us would exist without Him. Not one person. Not one tree. Not one insect. Not one single thing.

May you encounter God today with every breath you take and every person you come upon.

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Great Lent Begins – Meditation

When I’m stuck on how to resolve a problem, I stop ruminating and start from scratch. Usually, by getting a fresh look at a problem, I realize how to figure out a solution.

This same principal applies to my spiritual life. Each year during Great Lent the Church offers me time to return to a crucial starting point. I’m led back to the most important realities in life, since I do so poor a job of recalling them myself.

The scriptural readings for the first day of Great Lent takes me to the beginning of the Bible, the first verses of the Book of Genesis. Here I read that God created everything by His power and out of His great love. God is the source of all life. Everything comes from Him, finds its life in Him and returns to Him.

So how is it I have come to live my life as if I am the center of everything, while I have shoved God away from His place of prominence and preeminence? Why do I prefer my own desires, thoughts, words, motives, and deeds above God’s? When and I did I become my own god?

Pilgrimage to Pascha: A Daily Devotional for Great Lent by Archpriest Steven John Belonick

These are the words I read this morning after reading Genesis 1:1-13, the first reading for Great Lent which starts today in the Orthodox Church.

I always look forward to Great Lent. A time to renew myself in Christ. A time to set aside time to read scripture, attend extra services, fast, pray, and work on my relationship with God. True. Each and every day of our lives should be the same. But reality is that we are all human and we all have tendencies to fall away from this important aspect of our lives in one way or the other. There’s always something we should be working on. Great Lent is the time the Church guides us even more to do just that.

I wasn’t looking forward to Great Lent quite as much this year. Maybe that means I need it MORE. So here I sit, with my Bible and my devotional, my intentions of fasting and more time in prayer and meditation, more reading about my faith. The realization comes that its time, again, to remember that its God who is in control of everything and to be grateful for that. I do not have to control everything. I do not have to worry about all of the earthly cares. God has it. I need to rest in Him.

I need to relook at my priorities – that list of goals from the New Year and the focus on those goals- God, family, friends. Especially that first and biggest goal. That first priority. God. He is everything. He is all.

May you all have a blessed Great Lent and may each and every day have God at your side- leading you in all you do. If you’re not sure how to do that, I’d suggest at the beginning.

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

Genesis 1:1
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The Shadow

So the groundhog saw his shadow….six more weeks of a dreary winter. It’s hard to enjoy the darkness and the cold. I crave sunlight. I crave flowers and plants. The bleakness and the COLD are not my friends. And there’s not even pretty snow to capture the child inside.

Alas, I dwell on the shadow of winter and a groundhog. I need to refocus and remember those plants are still hiding underground and will eventually emerge along with longer days of light.

In the meantime…

I’ve kept up with getting up in the morning but am struggling with getting everything on my routine done. I get sidetracked – mostly with checking Google Analytics for the new blog or putting up posts on the new blogs’ Facebook page or figuring out how to make pins for Pinterest.

It’s going well I think- as far as blogs can go in the first month. I only have 9 subscribers and one of them is me – lol, but hey, it’s the first month. My last post on healthy benefits of chocolate, titled Cocoa, Cacao, and Chocolate, Oh My! at least got a lot of comments from a few blogger people from a bloggers support page I just started following, so that’s good too. If you haven’t had a chance to take a look, here’s a link to that post! I figured it was a good one to do with St. Valentine’s Day coming up.

Other things in life are full of struggle and while I write about morning routines, gratitude and such, I ask myself if I’m being a hypocrite. No, not really- is my answer, because I know the importance of these things and I really am trying to do them. I know the struggle personally so when I encourage my readers to work on these things I also tell them imperfect progress is still progress and that’s exactly what I’m doing. I am progressing. Imperfectly. Struggling. But still progressing. The progress is that I am not giving up. I’m still working on them all. I am quite mindful of it all. And what’s more- I’m no longer beating myself up for not having it perfected. That’s the greatest progress of all.

Our schooling has made a few changes too. While I suppose it’s still leaning towards the unschooling method, it’s not really anymore. I’m still open to letting him choose things- but he hasn’t been choosing ANYTHING. And while I know that’s still a choice- it’s not one I can rest with. I’m not okay with the choice of spending HOURS on YouTube and not getting physical activity. I know he has learned things. I am astonished sometimes at the knowledge base when it comes to technology and the skills he’s learned in editing videos, and I’m not taking that away. I’m just not okay with it monopolizing his every (non)move and breath.

So for now we have moved back to our morning learning or reading time. I’ve set aside 2 1/2 hours but it’s been under 2 most of the time. The time is mostly just reading aloud to him. We started back up with Life of Fred for math- just reading aloud the first books for now. We easily breeze through 5 or 6 chapters a day. For those of you familiar with those books, I’m sure you understand how simple that is. For the rest- believe me, while it covers math concepts the first set of books are pretty easy for a middle schooler. We’re rereading though because it’s a funny story and to make sure we haven’t forgotten any of the material that is slid in there that will be referred to later in the series.

We work on a language skills book and another book I read to him about mneumonics…it covers a variety of materials and teaches various ways to learn things. We have a living books science book that focuses on zoology. It has workbooks but we’ve covered so much on nature and animals I just got the book to read for the first one to see if we like the story. Of course we have devotions and a book on the saints. And I also started reading to him the 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens. I’m pleasantly surprised that he seems to like that one and has much more interest than I thought he would.

Well, this is what I’m doing instead of finishing my morning routine today and the clock is telling me it’s after 9 and time to make coffee before the learning day begins- so off I go! It was good to try to catch up here though and I hope you’ll drop a line and let me know how you are. I hope to get back here soon on a regular basis. TTFN.

By the way- if you subscribe to the new blog you get a freebie– my first freebie I ever made – but it prints out small and I’m trying to figure out why. Also I will be writing a newsletter for the new blog- all very new to me but so exciting! Check out posts on Chamomile, Getting Movement in Your Day and your Morning Routine!

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Busy With Blogs, PetFinder, and Baskets

I’ve been pretty busy setting up the new blog. It’s kind of official though I haven’t really spread the word just yet. As of this week I got the help I needed to get it up on WordPress, took some days to relearn a lot about photos and Canva (still learning), customize the theme a bit (still needs tweaking), and work on posts and SEO, and then , yes, I finally got the first three initial posts up. I haven’t really started the main content yet- just some initial posts that tell a little bit about where I’m going with it. I’m still waiting to get Google Analytics set up and some other things. Well- if you want to check it out- knowing it’s just a baby barely born yet- head over to My Wellness Basket at! I finally have an excuse to buy more baskets….

We’ve also been searching for a dog! Well, I am looking for the dog. My husband is silently waiting on the sideline to see what happens. He’s not as much of the dog fan as I am, but he’s consented. I’ve said no to at least 4 dogs so far and I never thought that would happen. I’m not sure if I’m being wise or too picky. I just want to be so sure that it’s the best fit for us. And the rescue and shelter process is NOT that easy. I applied for a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel mix and waited for weeks over Christmas and was never told when it was given to someone else. I just know they eventually took it off the site but never updated her post on Facebook. That was frustrating. I want a dog that is easy(at least not harder than average) to house train, tends to be calm indoors and affectionate and that we can take hiking. Oh – and that isn’t known to be a constant barker. I know a lot of that is involved with training- but there are breeds that are just known to be a lot harder to ‘train’ with that, so it’s important. I also don’t want too big of a dog. The demeanor of a Golden Retriever (once grown) is lovely- but big. And for me personally, tiny dogs just aren’t dogs. They have their qualities…and people that rightly adore them. But for me- I need something that will fill my lap and not make me think I just have a big squirrel. (no offense if you love your chihuahua).

And I’m trying really hard to get back into a routine and it just isn’t going smoothly. I get up either so exhausted because I didn’t sleep well (I’m letting this dog business and other things weigh too heavy on my mind) or with too many things to get done that I get sidetracked from my morning routine and then feel even more overwhelmed from feeling off track and not so accomplished.

I’m trying to focus on all that’s positive though. Feeling pretty healthy other than some minor stuff going on, I have two blogs now(I’ll be narrowing the topics here now too- just general life, homeschooling and faith stuff), I have my family and friends, I’ve got food in the freezer and pantry, and I finally slept well last night!

How are the rest of you doing?!

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Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

I’m past due for a post but I was taking time away over the holidays although they are not exactly over yet. People all over are taking down Christmas decorations while I haven’t attended the Liturgy for the Nativity yet because the church we currently attend celebrates the Nativity on January 7 (December 25th on their calendar but January 7 according to the current new calendar- too complicated to explain- you’ll need another source for that! ). So technically, I’m still prepping for Christmas.

Anyway, I’ve been using a lot of time this week prepping for the new blog. I have my domain but it’s not tied to WordPress or a theme yet. I’m very excited. I’ll be blogging on wellness. Holistic wellness of course with a variety of topics: Nourishment, Rest, Movement, Mind and Simplicity. I have rough drafts typed up of my About Page and 8 posts. I’m feeling better prepared than I ever have for this blog and yet totally overwhelmed and anxious.

I’ve also been working on those other goals I’ve written about recently. And being kind to myself that I don’t have them all organized to be working on 24/7. I have though put them, in written form, inside my household binder where I keep my weekly To Do lists and those things I need at my fingertips like recipes for the week, receipts, etc. This way they are right there to at least read over once a week and remind myself what they are- things to be mindful of.

Photo by Ylanite Koppens on

Today will be spent grocery shopping and making sure I have ingredients for the gluten free lasagna I plan on making for after Church on Saturday (The Nativity/Christmas) and in a early celebration of my husband’s birthday. His birthday is next week but it’s easier for my daughter to come over for dinner on a weekend.

I hope to make a loaf of sourdough einkorn bread and also a carrot cake for him with cream cheese frosting. And then hopefully, after feasting on carbs, we’ll stick to our goal of more salads with dinner in the future and less carbs! I should throw a small side salad into Saturday’s dinner plans. At least get SOME greens in with all those carbs!

Well, I just wanted to pop in on here and say hello, Happy New Year, Merry Christmas and


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The Last Few Days of 2022

Merry Christmas, friends. I will continue that greeting for quite sometime to all I come across. It is, after all, only the fourth day of Christmas and not even Christmas yet for those who follow the Old Calendar. We celebrated traditional festivities with our family on Dec. 25th but will be attending the feast of the Nativity on January 7th (which is also Dec. 25th on the old calendar- a very confusing concept if you ask me so I’m not even going to TRY to explain- sorry!).

This week I try to take it easy. That means we don’t have any official homeschool lessons, I relax the screen time with my son, and I don’t necessarily follow my usual schedule of doing things. But I do try to maintain a fair amount of order in the house while preparing for a weekend with family. I have also signed up for a class to help me create that new blog I mentioned back in my last post on goals for the upcoming year.

The hardest part of the new blog planning has been figuring out a name. It will be a wellness blog- focusing on things like nutrition with real foods and herbs, supplements, movement, sleep, natural living, a simplified lifestyle, mindset, gratitude and all things involving natural holistic wellness. A name came to me last night as I was reading another book (I got about ten books for Christmas!) and I think I may stick with it! I’ll announce that when I get it up and started. I probably won’t be posting here quite as often while I work on the new project.

But as I work on that and prepare for the weekend, I also take time to just enjoy these last few days of 2022. It’s time to enjoy the Christmas decorations, the tree, the cookies, the presents and the most important gifts- my family.

How are you spending the last few days of 2022?

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Wordless Wednesday- 4 Calling Birds

Just pictures- no words. Let your picture (s) tell the story.

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Christ, Our Shepherd

This past Monday, I was curled up on the couch for my Monday morning prayer/devotion time. Monday is the day I set aside to just curl up and read after my brief morning prayers. I’m trying out a new plan of doing something a little different each day (extra prayer, scripture, devotions, bible study, etc) and on Monday I curled up with a lovely book by Fr. Stavros N. Akrotirianakis (Engaged: The Call to be Disciples).

This particular paragraph really spoke to me and I think it’s a message a lot of people need to hear:

If we see ourselves as sheep and Christ as our shepherd, bringing to contemporary life, then our “pen” is our home, job, or any place we spend time. If the “door” to our home or job is Christ, then as we “go in and out” to and from pasture, we will be led by Christ, our Shepherd, and will be kept safe from “wolves” – things like temptation, distraction, doubt, despondency, hopelessness, and despair. Of course, this doesn’t mean we won’t feel threatened by the challenges of life, but Christ will meet each challenge, robber or wolf who threatens to destroy our pen.

This spoke to me because I think many of us, myself included, sometimes forget that God does not prevent us being threatened by challenges in life. Sometimes we feel trapped by these challenges and think, “Why is this happening to me?” and forget about all the calamity that hit Job.

We are not ever told that we will be kept apart from bad things that happen in life just because we are Christians. But what we do have is is the light of Christ leading us as a shepherd leads his flock. When we follow Christ He leads us away from the temptation of anger and resentment. He leads us back to focus on Him when we are distracted with these emotions. He offers us priests, scripture, and friends of faith to help us when we express our doubt. He brings us up from despondency, hopelessness, and despair with promise of the resurrection and the world to come. He grants us mercy each and every day.

So with it being Christmas Eve, I think it’s a good time to spread this message.

Christ is our Good Shepherd. He is there for you. He is the door of the kingdom to come. He offers strength to face whatever I or you are going through.

Jesus again said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you. I AM the door of the sheep. All who came before Me are thieves and robbers; but the sheep did not heed them. I AM the door; if anyone enters by Me he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.

John 10: 7-9

Christ is Born! Glorify Him!

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Wordless Wednesday – Nativity

No Words. Just a picture. Allow your photo to tell the story.


Just a short word about Wordless Wednesday. It’s just a blog thing to have fun. It’s simply a photo with no words. The words are up to YOU. Just enjoy the phot or add a funny caption or even make up a creative story to go with it. I’d love to see what you come up with!

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